id: 33015
Title: Influence of spring Barley plant nutrition optimization on yield formation in the Rightbank Foreststeppe of Ukraine
Authors: Kovalenko T.M.
Keywords: ячмінь ярий , біопрепарати, продуктивність
Date of publication: 2023-05-08 08:57:52
Last changes: 2023-05-08 08:57:52
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: This article presents the results of a study of the effect of complex fertilizers on the productivity of spring barley. As a result of the research, it was found that in the variants where three times of plant treatment with preparations were carried out in the most sensitive to nutrition phases of spring barley vegetation of the mid-season variety Modern, the maximum biometric parameters of plants were obtained. In the variants where spring barley plants were fertilized in the three phases of vegetation of tillering, emergence into the tube and at the beginning of earing with Humifriend potassium humate and Multicomplex StimOrganic, a significant increase in the number of productive stems by 265 pcs./m2 and 273 pcs./m2 , respectively, was noted compared to the control. The use of the preparations stimulated plant growth and this had a positive effect on the formation of ears of spring barley, the length of which increased by 0,7 – 1,4 cm compared to the control. The highest number of grains in the ear was observed in the variants where three treatments with complex fertilizers wereused, where this indicator increased by 2,6 – 3,7 pcs. compared to the control. Three times treatment of plants with preparations also contributed to an increase in grain weight per ear by 0,3 – 0,4 g compared to the control. For three times treatment of spring barley plants with Humifriend potassium humate, the weight of 1000 seeds increased by 2.4 g compared to the control, when using the preparation Multicomplex StimOrganic, this indicator increased by 3,8 g compared to the control, and when using Fulvigum, this indicator increased by 1,8 g compared to the control. An important indicator of productivity is the weight of the raw aboveground mass of plants, when calculating this indicator in the phase of earing, the highest values were obtained in the variants where preparations for fertilizing in two phases of vegetation were used, in particular when using Humifriend potassium humate, this indicator increased by 631 – 658 g/cm2 compared to the control, when using Multicomplex StimOrganic, this indicator increased by 728 – 735 g/cm2 compared to the control, and when using Fulvigum, this indicator increased by 435 – 436 g/cm2 compared to the control. The highest yield of spring barley grain was obtained in the variant where three treatments of plants with StimOrganic Multicomplex were applied, where the yield increased by 1,0 t/ha compared to the control, which is 42%, when using Humifriend potassium humate, the yield increased by 0,9 t/ha compared to the control, which is 38%, and when using Fulvigum, the yield increased by 0,7 t/ha compared to the control, which is 29%. The data obtained indicate that the use of complex fertilizers on spring barley crops contributed to the growth, development of plants and an increase in grain yield in proportion to the number of plant treatments.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Сільське господарство та лісівництво. 2023. №1 (28). С. 46-61. DOI: 10.37128/2707-5826-2023-1-4
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