id: 33722
Title: Innovative methods of drying rapeseeds using microwave energy
Authors: Bandura V., Bezbah I., Kupchuk I., Fialkovska L.
Keywords: rapeseed, microwave energy, filter drying, temperature
Date of publication: 2023-08-23 09:33:50
Last changes: 2023-08-23 09:33:50
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: Rape is an important oil crop with a wide range of uses. Harvested rapeseed must be cleaned and dried before processing. The process of drying rapeseed as a small-seeded crop has its own specifics. One of the new drying methods is the use of microwave radiation, the disadvantage of which is uneven heating of the product. The purpose of this work was to study the modes of drying rapeseed by electromagnetic radiation in the ultra-high frequency range in combination with filtration. The indicators of the intensity of oilseed drying by infrared irradiation on the experimental stand were determined. The analysis of the conducted studies showed that the temperature of seeds at the maximum microwave power rises in general 1.5 to 1.8 times faster than at half the power. The higher the seed moisture content is, the higher the rate of temperature increase. After each blowing cycle, which lasted for five seconds, the temperature of the rapeseeds was set higher than the previous temperature, and after increasing the blowing time up to fifteen seconds, the temperature decreased by 8–12°C and cyclically stabilized. The applications of microwave drying represented in the paper are environmentally friendly, since the seeds do not come into direct contact with the products of gas combustion, which deteriorate its quality due to the possible penetration of carcinogenic components into the products. Experimental data was taken into account when developing the design of a small-sized grain dryer for farms, in which the drying process takes place without heating the air as a heat carrier.
Publication type: Статті Scopus
Publication: Polityka Energetyczna. 2023. Vol. 26, Issue 2. P. 217-230. DOI: 10.33223/epj/163328
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