id: 36767
Назва: Soybean processing technology in the production of health products
Автори: Kolianovska L.
Ключові слова: soybeans, functional foods, tofu, okara, soy flour, Supra 760, Supra 2640, soy drinks, soy semi-finished products
Дата публікації: 2024-07-30 15:14:01
Останні зміни: 2024-07-30 15:14:01
Рік видання: 2024
Аннотація: The most important determinant of public health is a balanced, nutritious diet that ensures normal human growth and development, life expectancy, increases the body`s resistance to adverse environmental conditions, and leads to progress and improvement of the quality of life. The article provides reasonable reasons for the expediency of using soybean raw materials, which has led to the emergence of mass consumption products available to all groups of the population that can be regularly used in everyday, dietary, therapeutic or preventive nutrition with a high degree of digestibility and assimilation of food, in accordance with the recommendations, while maintaining an adequate level of energy expenditure per day. Trends in the development of modern food technologies are aimed at expanding the range of health products. Against the backdrop of popularization and awareness of healthy eating, the population needs new products that would meet the nutritional needs of the body, be inexpensive and enrich the daily diet. One of the ways to produce such products is to use the main representative of vegetable legumes - soybeans. The aim of the study is to develop a technology for protein and vitamin concentrate and formulations of health products based on soy. The following methods were used in the study: cause-and-effect analysis, experimental, economic and statistical, calculation, and constructive and logical generalization. As a result of the study, practical recommendations on the technology of protein-vitamin concentrate and reconstituted.
Тип виданя: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Видавництво: Modern engineering and innovative technologies. 2024. Issue 33. Part 1. P. 32-47. DOI: 10.30890/2567-5273.2024-33-00-003
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