id: 38353
Title: Development the mathema-tical model of the process of striped soil treatment by the method of discrete elements
Authors: Shargorodskiy S., Halanskyi V.
Keywords: discrete element method, Hertz-Mindlin model, Hertz-Mindlin theory, Poisson`s ratio, Johnson-Kendall- Roberts theory, damping
Date of publication: 2025-01-09 15:38:09
Last changes: 2025-01-09 15:38:09
Year of publication: 2024
Summary: The paper describes the general characteristics of the Strip-Till technology, its application and the design of Strip-Till cultivators, talks about the prospects of this technology, describes the advantages and disadvantages of the technology and highlights the ways of implementing the technology. Each technology has its advantages and disadvantages and specifics of implementation - Strip-Till is no exception. In some farms, the technology is implemented quite easily and proves its effectiveness after harvesting and summing up, while in other farms it may be the opposite. One of the many reasons for this phenomenon is the design features of strip cultivators, which arise from the creative flight of the developer and the specific agro-climatic conditions for which these units are designed. The culture of work and agrarian business in a particular region also has a significant impact on some design features. For example, it is no secret that the school of mechanical engineering in Europe and the USA has many differences. The article is devoted to the study of the interaction of the working bodies of Strip-Till units with the soil using the discrete element method. The paper considers modern aspects of the application of Strip-Till technology in the world and Ukraine, its advantages and disadvantages, and also analyzes methods for modeling physical processes of soil cultivation. Considerable attention is paid to the development of a mathematical model of soil cultivation by the discrete element method using Hertz-Mindlin contact models, which take into account the adhesion and cohesion of particles. The article provides a calculation algorithm, the main physical and mechanical properties of soil particles, parameters for simulation, and also presents the modeling results. The proposed model allows predicting the dynamics of the interaction of soil particles with working bodies, which will contribute to increasing the efficiency and optimizing the operation of Strip-Till units. The conclusions outline directions for further research to improve the methodology and practical application of the results obtained.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Вібрації в техніці та технологіях. 2024. № 3 (114). С. 58-65. DOI: 10.37128/2306-8744-2024-3-7
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