id: 38360
Title: Research of physical and mechanical properties of cut grass during hay harvesting by rotary working bodies
Authors: Kondratuk D., Trukhanska O., Priadkin M.
Keywords: fodder grasses, hay, drying, technology, harvesting, physical and mechanical properties, moisture content, density, rotary working bodies, rakes.
Date of publication: 2025-01-09 16:11:41
Last changes: 2025-01-09 16:11:41
Year of publication: 2024
Summary: In the process of harvesting feed from the interaction of the working bodies of machines and tools with plants, resistance arises, which entails certain energy costs. Therefore, for the development of technological processes, it is necessary to know the mechanical and physical properties of the processed environment under the influence of the working bodies of machines and tools. Insufficient study of the properties of materials does not allow a more rational transition to new methods of work, hinders the development of fundamentally new technological processes and machines. Knowledge of the physical essence of technological processes allows for a more reasoned development of machines, to apply rational methods of influencing their working bodies on the environment, to qualitatively improve the performance of the technological process. Knowledge of the physical and mechanical properties of agricultural materials is a necessary condition for the correct organization of the technological process and the creation of a rational design of the machine. Agricultural materials are distinguished by a great variety and variability of their properties. Technological processes carried out by agricultural machines are aimed at changing the structure of agricultural materials. During processing, the harvested plant material undergoes a number of changes and is brought to a state that meets predetermined requirements. Using the physical and mechanical properties of materials, they can be directed towards the construction of rational technologies and processing methods. In this case, various principles of the influence of the working bodies of machines on the material being processed can be applied. The need to study the properties of materials in different conditions, to clarify their impact on technology and mechanization is urgent. Knowledge of the properties of plant materials helps to choose the most economical methods of its processing. The choice of the type of working body and the justification of its parameters depend on a large number of factors, in particular on the required productivity, nature, degree and state of material processing, coefficients of useful action of the machine, its energy needs. The article considers the theoretical and calculation bases of the working bodies of machines in the sequence of their impact on plant material when harvesting fodder from grasses. At the same time, the theory and calculation of the parameters of the working bodies are related to the physical and mechanical properties of the processed material and agrotechnical requirements for work processes and machines.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Вібрації в техніці та технологіях. 2024. № 4 (115). С. 31-35. DOI: 10.37128/2306-8744-2024-4-4
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Published by: Адміністратор
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