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id: 38377
Title: Development and efficiency of using a hydraulic wood chipper as a tool for the preparation of alternative fuel
Authors: Shvets L., Shvets O.
Keywords: log, hydraulic chipper, wood chipper, solid fuel boiler, alternative fuel.
Date of publication: 2025-01-15 14:03:12
Last changes: 2025-01-15 14:03:12
Year of publication: 2024
Summary: The main question that a person asks himself when he needs to provide heat to his home. In the current, military time in Ukraine: how to do it more profitably, with the current level of comfort? Everyone chooses for himself, manufacturers of energy production equipment (gas, liquid or solid fuel boilers, electric heating devices, solar installations, heat pumps) conduct an active advertising campaign, trying to prove that their equipment is the most profitable and the best. The average consumer, not having relevant experience, usually makes a spontaneous decision, basing his choice on advertising or the seller`s beliefs. For the use of alternative fuel resources, namely wood, we offer to consider the development of a hydraulic wood chipper, which makes human labor much easier. The cheapest way to heat a country house is a boiler running on solid fuel (firewood, anthracite). But it should be understood that together with the relative cheapness of heat with this heating method, a number of problems arise related to fuel storage and the need for constant maintenance of the boiler: its loading, ignition and cleaning. Should you save money and equip your house with a solid fuel boiler, or should you choose a gas boiler (or a liquid fuel one that runs on fuel oil), during which the entire production process is fully automatic? The choice is yours. But in any case, as you can see, stopping your choice on electric heating, solar equipment or a heat pump for no particular reason is probably not worth it yet: these technologies are still too expensive for widespread use today. At present, firewood was and is the most ecological and economical type of fuel. Therefore, the owners wonder how to make it easier to collect firewood in order to preserve their health. A log shredder with a hydraulic system is the best assistant for the owner to prepare an alternative source of energy for the heating season. It is easy to operate - you only need to install a deck, press a button or a lever. The log is divided smoothly and without contact with the person, which is over security. The force of the hydraulic system is enormous, reaching 4-6 tons, the shredder can work with different types of wood and at high speed.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Техніка, енергетика, транспорт АПК. 2024. № 4 (127). С. 84-90. DOI: 10.37128/2520-6168-2024-4-9
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