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id: 31353
Title: Estimating the initial stage in the process of radial-reverse extrusion using a triangular kinematic module
Authors: Hrudkina N., Levchenko V., Aliiev I., Diachenko Y., Sivak R., Sukhovirska L.
Keywords: combined extrusion, process modeling, energy method, kinematic module, forced mode, shape formation.
Date of publication: 2022-08-04 12:14:33
Last changes: 2022-08-04 12:14:33
Year of publication: 2022
Summary: Those parts of solid or hollow blanks whose shape is complex should be produced by means of combined radial-longitudinal
extrusion. However, the use of combined extrusion processes with several degrees of flow freedom requires a preliminary assessment of shape formation, which is true, taking into consideration the peculiarities of evolution of strain sites at different stages of deformation. When deforming high blanks, the presence of an intermediate rigid zone can be observed, separating two autonomous strain sites. When constructing an estimation scheme of the initial stage of the process of combined radial-backward extrusion of hollow parts with a flange, the presence of an intermediate rigid zone is taken into consideration. The need to improve the devised estimation scheme is caused by significant deviations in the projected growths of a part from its experimentally derived dimensions. As an alternative to the axial rectangular kinematic module of the lower deformation site, the use of an axial triangular module has been proposed, whose effectiveness is demonstrated in simulating the process of radial-longitudinal extrusion with expansion. The rationality of the proposed replacement was revealed, both for forecasting the forced mode of the deformation process and for the gradual part’s shape formation. This has made it possible to reduce the projected estimates to 10 % in terms of the increase in the size of a part based on a comparative analysis with experimentally derived data. It is recommended to use the devised scheme for modeling the initial stage of the process for relatively high blanks at H0/h1>4…6; the limitation is the degeneration of the intermediate rigid zone. This will contribute to compiling recommendations for expanding the possibilities of using combined radial-backward extrusion of hollow parts with a flange during production

Publication type: Статті Scopus
Publication: Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2022. Vol. 2. № 7 (116). Р. 51-59.
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